Sunday, February 28, 2016

Day -2: Sabbath Food for Thought "Spiritual Principles of Goal Achievement:"

If you're anything like me, you've set a lot of goals through out your life.

Reached them? Not so much

Even though I'm a hard worker and high achiever in many areas, I'd failed at so many goals I set in the past, I no longer trusted myself. Then ...

I came across 7 spiritual principles of goal achievement -- unlike anything I'd ever heard before.

They were being taught by a very inspired woman, highly successful in the business world. That, coupled with three more principles taught by Elder Bednar, have literally changed my life -- the way I think, speak, act, & feel.

I'm so grateful to my Heavenly Father for the miraculous changes for good I've experienced because of these things, in my life and the lives of my family, practically overnight.

I'd like to offer these timeless truths for you to ponder at the start of our joint Spring Clean Writing Fling, expressing my gratitude to Heavenly Father in advance for helping us love & support each other in experiencing the most productive, successful, & joyful month we've ever had.

It started for me with this blog post: "This Simple Morning Practice Primes your Brain for Success." 

The woman written about was May McCarthy and the blog post described some interesting spiritual principles she's teaching about succeeding in business. (And for other areas, too.)

She uses some fun terminology to bring Heavenly Father into the business world (calling Him her "CSO"- Chief Spiritual Officer) and often refers to the Spirit as the still small voice of "intuition."

I loved it! Then, I did a google search and watched several you tube clips of her teaching these principles. What a delightful woman!

I didn't think she was LDS, but I loved her positive, gentle spirit. (Virtuous, lovely or praiseworthy, right?) The Spirit whispered to get her book and study these principles further. But I couldn't, I was too short on funds at the time. Then, without my asking, a friend generously bought two copies, one for herself, and one for me! The information May shares is a game changer I'm underlining passages all throughout the book. (And, no, I'm not selling it, or being paid to endorse it.)

Next, the Spirit directed me Elder Bednar's 2008
General Conference talk about prayer.

I bet you'll remember this talk. 
Here's the link for it: "Pray Always."

Combining the spiritual principles from these two sources has given me a completely different approach to goal setting and achievement. It has become an adventure --- a powerful, joyful, fun, experience ... and has brought me to higher levels of confidence, light, and love, that I've never experienced before.

I sincerely believe these are true principles, and could bless your life in wonderful ways, too!

I was going to outline these principles here for you -- with cute pictures and everything. In fact, I spent hours working on it. But then I felt prompted you would be better served by exploring them yourself ... rather than getting my interpretation of them. (Although the time spent working on it helped clarify it for me even more. Chances are, I'll share some of those ideas during our Writing Fling.)

In the meantime, we'd love to hear what you think of these things! PJ & I wish you each the best of luck, dear ANWA sisters! We truly feel this is going to be one of the most exciting, amazing months for all of us, ever!

Lots of love,
Janet and PJ

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