Friday, May 27, 2016

ANWA Summer Writing Challenge - 100 Words for 100 Days

ANWA Summer Writing Challenge 2016
How I Beat 
Writer’s Block, 
and Procrastination 
in 100 Days

Hey You,
You with the story in your head but doubt in your heart, and you, Miss Too Busy to Write, ANWA has something for you. Something that can get you back on the creative path.


Now I have a reason to live!

How to participate
  1. Set a goal. It can range from 100 words per day to an entire book. The sky’s the limit.
  2. Share your goal with us in the comment section on this blog post.
  3. Join us every Saturday on the ANWA Facebook page for an encouraging message and to update us on your weekly progress.
  4. (Optional, but highly recommended) Designate a writing taskmaster. Someone who will check up on you daily to see where you’re at, what you’ve accomplished.

 It can be anyone.
  • A family member
  • A friend
  • A co-worker

Personally, I’d seek out a fellow writer. You can support and encourage, commiserate and challenge, generally spur each other on to kick butt.

Remember we’re striving for 
consistency more than quantity.

100 days of writing = a habit that can be sustained when the Challenge ends.
100 words per day = 10,000 words
10,000 words = 
  • 1/3 of a Middle Grade book
  • 1/6 of a Young Adult book
  • 1/8 of a Grown-up book

10,000 words = a good beginning

Wait, did somebody say free books?
*Everyone who participates will be entered in a bi-weekly drawing. The prizes? Books, of course. Books related to the craft of writing.

Join us June 1st – September 8th for a most productive summer.


  1. I'll take that challenge and try for 100 words a day!

  2. I'm in. I need to revise a complete draft and add a second point of view, so my goal is a little less conventional than 100 words a day. Perhaps something like edit 10 pages a day.

  3. Awesome! I love a writing challenge. My goal is to finish at least one book in my mini series this summer and to launch the two I have written. (Which means I have to finish book covers, formatting, marketing.) I can do this!

  4. I'll give it a try. I also have some revisions to make.

  5. I'm all in. I have a novel to complete, and several stories to write. If anyone wants to be my taskmaster, please let me know.

  6. I am so in. 100 words a day is a great place to start for me. (It never really stops there though. I always look up and go, "Oh, 600 words. Good!") If I can make 600 a day as an average I may just have the rough draft of this heap done by summer's end!

  7. I'm joining in, but I'm making my goal 1,000 words a day. I usually range from 500-1000, but if I make the goal, and have someone to check up on me, I'll make it. I may write in several different stories, but I feel like I need this to get myself in gear. Happy habits=Happy life! Thanks!

  8. My goal will be 100 words a day. Pretty sure that's about all I can manage right now. :)

  9. This is exactly what I need right now! 100 words a day is very doable. ;)

  10. I'm a bit late in joining in, but I have been doing pretty good so far this summer. I'm almost done with my MG book (I average 500 a day on weekdays). Starting next week I'll be in editing mode and edit 10 pages a day. Hoping to be ready for Betas by July. Good luck everyone!!!

  11. Just back from family vacation and ready to roll up my sleeves and write! I'm aiming for 100 words a day but only on week days.
