Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Day 15, Tuesday, March 15th


 We have an idea. We try to get it on paper, grasping at words and phrases to explain things that are …well, unexplainable.  We’re never quite able to express it exactly as hoped. But it’s a start.

Editing means coming back again for a fresh swipe at what we imagined. We zoom in with a microscopic eye inspecting details: word choice, phrasing, punctuation.

It can be harder to zoom out to see the overall landscape—especially when we’re in the “thick of the forest” so to speak. Setting it aside for a while can help in seeing our work with fresh eyes.

Zoom in, zoom out. Clarify. Mystify. Cut.  Add. Cut. It may never be exactly what we hope. But if we’re willing to work at it, it can come pretty close.  J.M Clark

Creativity Kick-Starter
Oh, what stories will flow from here!
Remember how I suggested you sit outside a box to enhance creativity? Well, I’m taking it a step further today. That’s right, it’s time to build a blanket fort.

I don’t care if you have kids or not, this one will be fun and get you thinking. You might consider bringing your favorite book from childhood so you can read by the light of your flashlight and remember why writing is important.
- PJ Switzer

Writing Sprint
(Pick one)
Write about a family vacation.
Describe your grandparent's home as 
you remember it from childhood.

Let's get the mojo going. 
Set your timer for 15 minutes 
and write fast & furious. 
- PJ Switzer

Ready. Set. Go!

Share your sprint on our Tumblr page:

Productivity Pointers


Yesterday we agreed it’s impossible to do everything, right? Right. But there’s a way around that, delegate. Put the kids, husband, and friends to work. Accept in advance the end results may not (re: WILL not) look like your efforts but done is done and that is a win when you’re in writer mode.
- PJ Switzer

A great blog about how to improve your blog and turn it into a money maker.

Return & Report
Psst. What did you do today? Anything fun? We can't wait to hear all about it.


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