This life, this world, can be a tough old place.
Perhaps one of the best purpose of stories is to help lighten our path through
Stories can help us forget our trials and troubles
for a little while. We get to live vicariously through the lives of the
characters and get a fresh perspective on how to get through it all a little
And that’s a good thing ... because none of us are going to make it out of here alive!
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Creativity Kick-Starter |
*This is based on
Julia Cameron’s morning pages concept only I call them mourning pages.
There are times
in a creative life when things are just not going your way. You’re working your
butt off and yet you’re not seeing results.
- The sales of your latest book aren’t as much as you’d like.
- You keep getting rejections from agents.
- Your work in progress is bogged down.
Frustration, or
something stronger, sets in and the next thing you know. You can’t write or
worse, you don’t want to. That’s the exact moment to pull out a notebook or
some lined paper and let loose. Pour it all out on the paper. Hold nothing
back. You can tear the pages up when you’re done, if you want but get all of
those toxic emotions out.
(Personally, I limit myself to three pages, like
Cameron suggests, and I try to end with something I’m grateful for or something
I can change.)
You may be
surprised how much easier it is to get back in the creative groove afterward.
- PJ Switzer
- PJ Switzer
Writing Sprint
(Pick one and finish the story)
The best meal I ever had was ...
The Christmas that I received ...
Let's get the mojo going.
Set your timer for 15 minutes
and write fast & furious.
- PJ Switzer
and write fast & furious.
- PJ Switzer
Ready. Set. Go!
(Excerpt below from this blog: )
"Hashtags allow you to find new readers, connect with other writers who share your interests and to find out about new opportunities such as writing competitions. They can also help to raise your writing profile to attract interest from publishers and editors"
"You need to be smart when using hashtags – don’t over use them (never use more than 3 hashtags per tweet), be natural and never spam people. But when used selectively and cleverly, hashtags can be of great benefit to your writing career."
Below are 100 #hashtags that every writer should know:
Books and Reading Hashtags#Books
Book Industry News and Publishing Tips Hashtags#AskAgent
#IAN1 (Independent Author Network)
#IAN1 (Independent Author Network)
Hashtags to Connect With Other Writers#1K1H (write one thousand words in one hour)
#MyWANA (writer’s community created by Kirsten Lamb)
#NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month is held every November)
#MyWANA (writer’s community created by Kirsten Lamb)
#NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month is held every November)
ePublishing and eBooks#Amazon
#KPD (Kindle Publishing Direct)
#KPD (Kindle Publishing Direct)
Genre and Specialty HashtagsFind readers and other writers who share your interests
#MGLit (middle grades literature)
#PoetryMonth (Each April in the USA)
#MGLit (middle grades literature)
#PoetryMonth (Each April in the USA)
Promotion, Networking and Marketing Hashtags#99c (to offer or pick up an eBook bargain)
#Novelines (to quote your own work)
#Novelines (to quote your own work)
The hashtags things list is so helpful! I have a twitter account but never use it because I feel so lost. Thanks for the help!